Former CIRRUS Lab Members

  • Mohamed Elsakhawy, Adjunct Professor (5/22-8/23)
Graduate Students: Undergraduate Students:
  • Visal Saosuo, UREP Affiliate, UBC CompEng undergrad (1/24-4/24 & 9/24-12/24)
  • Parshan Javanrood, UREP Affiliate, UBC CompEng undergrad (5/23-8/23 & 5/24-8/24)
  • Sarra Refai, MITACS GRI Intern, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis (5/24-8/24)
  • Yiran (Jerry) Sun, UREP Affiliate, UBC CompEng undergrad (1/24-4/24)
  • Yuanzhi (Gigi) Ma, NSERC USRA and UREP Affiliate, UBC CompEng undergrad (5/23-12/23) → MSECS student at Johns Hopkins University
  • Alexander Li, UREP Affiliate, UBC EngPhys undergrad (5/23-8/23)
  • Xiaoyang (Sofia) Zhang, Work Learn Project Assistant, UBC CS undergrad (5/23-8/23)
  • Mehdi Ben Chikha, MITACS GRI Intern, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie (5/23-8/23)
  • Joe Hattori, Visiting International Research Student, University of Tokyo (9/22-12/22)