Welcome to the UBC CIRRUS Lab

Cloud computing plays an integral role as the backbone of today’s IT-driven society. The immense scale of cloud computing systems, its wide range of users and enabled applications, and complex interactions between numerous services and software layers make it easy to leave efficiency behind. The UBC Cloud Infrastructure Research for Reliability, Usability, and Sustainability (CIRRUS) Lab was born in July 2021 to tackle existing cloud computing challenges and drive future technologies for the next generation of cloud services.


Mohammad Shahrad
Assistant Professor
PhD (Princeton University)
[Principal Investigator]

Changyuan Lin
PhD Student (UBC 4YF scholar)
MASc (University of Alberta)

Nalin Munshi
MASc Student
BTech (Vellore Institute of Technology)

Arshia Moghimi
MASc Student
BASc (Sharif University of Technology)

Nima Nasiri
MASc Student
BASc (University of British Columbia)

Praveen Gupta
MSc Student
BTech (NITK)

Daniel Long
MASc Student
BSc (University of Calgary)

MohammadAmin Baqershahi
MASc Student
BSc (University of Tehran)

Sarra Refai
MITACS GRI Undergrad Intern
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis

Parshan Javanrood
UREP Affiliate
UBC Undergrad
Open Positions Former Members

Recent Lab News

News History

Publications and Preprints

Here are Dr. Shahrad's selected papers prior to establishing the CIRRUS lab. Find his complete publication list here.

Featured Systems and Tools


A powerful open-source tool to efficiently tune serverless functions for cost and performance. It is faster and more accurate than the other tools 1.

Optimized Lambdas ready in three steps:
  1. Download and install Parrotfish (link).
  2. Create and optimize your configurations.
  3. Run Parrotfish!


A system to automatically offload serverless functions off of serverless platforms, offering significant cost savings.

Research Sponsors

We are thankful for the grants, gifts, and resources from various sources that enable our research endeavors.